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Mom becomes viral sensation singing karaoke at Sam’s Club



Visiting a department store, there are a few things you’re likely to witness. These include (but are certainly not limited to) screaming children and dreary-eyed husbands pushing strollers around. Every so often, if fate shines brightly upon you, you may just witness something marvelous.

One day Christina Kokonis-Viggers treated the customers of Sam’s Club to a surprise treat.


The self proclaimed “Diva in the making”, Christina is a hugely talented vocalist and performer.

When Kokonis-Viggers and her friend Amanda Lasher strolled the isles of their local Sam’s Club, they discovered an enticing device. They’d found a karaoke machine which could link with your bluetooth and play any backing track you want. Well, given that Christina seems to be ready to sing at the drop of a hat, she had a track (and her voice) ready to go.


Playing “Maybe This Time”, a song from the musical Cabaret, Christina gives Liza a run for her money.

Normally when strangers begin to sing in department stores, it’s the same repeated verse from whatever pop song they heard on the radio on the way there. Obviously, ain’t nobody got time for that. Christina however, goes out on a limb and puts herself out there in the hopes of treating unsuspecting shoppers to a delightful rendition.

As the song builds, Christina brings the heat!

Kokonis-Viggers does Minnelli proud by bringing her clear and obvious talent to this Broadway slammer. Although she’s singing along with a karaoke machine, it’s obvious that she has a voice that transcends the bounds of a mere karaoke hall.

Watch the full video below to enjoy Christina’s fame-making karaoke session!

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