Hilary Swank’s life is a real Cinderella story. From humble beginnings, she worked tirelessly, climbing to the highest peak in Hollywood, stopping only to be a...
Australia’s Ally Langdon couldn’t hide the sadness bubbling inside when she spoke with a mom and dad, who were forced into the painful decision of taking...
The most successful primetime soap in TV history, ‘Dallas‘, will always be a personal favorite of mine. In fact, I could watch the entire series all over again just...
The journey into wedded bliss is often celebrated with love, as it should be, but the looming expenses associated with weddings can turn joy into stress. This is...
Parents were shocked when gorillas at the zoo gave their kids a lesson in the birds and the bees. The gorillas, who got dirty with one another, were completely unphased by their...
There are few things more important in life than the safety and security of ourselves and our loved ones. It should go without saying that the...
Optical illusions are some of the most interesting images out there. I was little when I first saw this image. But now, the image is online...
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, at one point, were Hollywood’s favorite couple. When the news of their divorce hit, people were devastated. Now, the couple is...
As the weather warms and you start to venture outside, be careful where you walk. If you come across a purple fence post, it’s best to...
A lot of times, divorce can mean ugly things, and the relationship between a couple is destroyed forever. However, there are those instances where exes decide...