In November 1985, the world witnessed a tragedy that left an indelible scar on humanity. When the Nevado del Ruiz volcano erupted, it unleashed a devastating...
Today, the wonderful Reba McEntire is 69 years old and she truly deserves all the praise she can get. Personally, it feels like she has been...
I just love Ann-Margret – she is such a warm, sweet and classy woman. Known for her fiery beauty and undeniable talent, she captured hearts on and off...
Natalie “Octomom” Suleman became a global sensation in 2009 when she made history by giving birth to the first surviving octuplets. Already a mother of six—Amerah,...
Maria José Cristerna, famously known as the “real-life vampire,” has captured the world’s attention with her bold and extreme body modifications. From striking tattoos to wild...
You know, every so often Hollywood makes one of those films that’s just timeless, and Erin Brokovich is definitely one of them. But there’s so much more to...
It’s no real surprise that palm reading has divided folk over the years. Some are more than ready to believe what a palmist is telling them...
When you think of Hilary Swank words like ”grit,” ”talent,” and ”unstoppable” probably come to mind. But before she graced red carpets and delivered jaw-dropping performances...
Who doesn’t love Jaws? This 1975 classic has terrified swimmers for decades and remains one of the greatest thrillers ever made. But while the movie made a...
Motherhood is a truly unique and special responsibility, one quite literally as old as our species is. Becoming a mother is one of those life-changing things...