A beloved actor since she first appeared on the screen in the 1980’s, Andie MacDowell, once known for her distinctive curly brown locks, is now advocating for...
Meg Ryan made her first public appearance in half a year with a show of support for Michael J. Fox prior to the release of the new documentary...
What would you do if you’d built an empire of half a billion dollars? Would you splash your cash on a massive mansion, or would you...
While some celebrities are known for their larger-than-life egos, others, who are equally successful, subscribe to a different type of philosophy that’s directed by humility and good heartedness....
Many of us have, at one point or another, dreamt of finding some hidden treasure or long-lost artifact at a flea market. I know I have,...
Kelly Clarkson has been open about her struggle following her divorce. One of the things that she was reeling from was the financial fallout after her...
Expanding your family as a parent is always a sweet feeling especially if it is with someone you love and are on the same page with....
When you make that decision to get a dog it’s such an exciting time, researching breeds and finding out which dog would suit your family home...
Given how quickly times change and how quickly trends come and go, it’s no wonder that by the time we’re old, we feel as though we’re...
There are many phobias in the world, some common (heights, snakes, spiders, etc), others so rare as to leave the majority of people who aren’t affected...