The entertainment world is reeling from the tragic loss of Rory Sykes, a British-born former child star, who died in the devastating California wildfires. Known for...
As the government gears up to change very soon, things are already being set in motion. One of the top positions is, of course, the Secretary...
Numbness and tingling in the hands can be unsettling, especially if it occurs frequently. It might feel like tingling, pins and needles, or a complete loss...
A sleepover prank took a terrifying turn when the trusted friends of a 12-year-old Georgia boy dumped scalding water on him, ripping the skin from his...
The 80s were a golden era for television, where only the best made it to the screen. The Dukes of Hazzard captured the hearts of millions, thanks...
Online users went on a digital treasure hunt, trying to identify the purpose of a weapon-like item found in a kitchen drawer. While some people immediately...
Imitating Elvis Presley is a whole industry in itself, but the question is, does anyone do it better than Emilio Santoro right now? His real breakthrough...
Jennifer Garner has revealed that she lost a friend to the devastating wildfires that continue to rip across Southern California. At the time of writing, the...
Keeping ourselves in shape is important for our body and soul to feel comfortable. For most of us, that means simple things like taking a walk...
Pretty Woman is one of those movies I can watch countless times — it never gets old or boring. But considering how many times I’ve seen it,...