Losing a coworker who you spent several years with can be especially heartbreaking. Mark Harmon and David McCallum spent several years together working on NCIS. The...
The death of basketball legend Kobe Bryant broke hearts all over the world. He died along with his daughter Gianna and seven others in a helicopter...
Just over a year ago, heaven gained another angel in Olivia Newton-John, who sadly succumbed to a lengthy battle with breast cancer. Following her death, longtime fans...
In the other-worldly tempest of lights, cameras and attention that is Hollywood, it seems very few individuals are able to exist without selling at least part...
A stunning bride who tragically went blind as a teenager chose to surprise her wedding guests with a pretty unique experience, and she has since gone viral. British...
Sophia Loren was hospitalized at the weekend and required emergency surgery after falling at her residence in Switzerland. According to alarming reports, the 89-year-old actress, famous for roles...
It’s been a bitter, heartbreaking year for Bruce Willis and all those close to him. The iconic actor’s health struggles have been well documented, but the latest admission...
The last thing that 16-year-old Liv Teverino shared on social media was a carousel of images from the months before school started, captioned “summer was sweet.” Only 12...
In 1997 the world’s first septuplets were born to couple Kenny and Bobbi McCaughey in Iowa, U.S. The birth of these special babies, who were born 9...
Watching an animal that’s been betrayed and hurt by those it trusts most in the world is a truly horrible thing. Sadly, animal neglect and cruelty takes place all around...