Previously representing a population of young singles looking for love, the popular Bachelor franchise introduced its newest star, a grandfather with “wisdom highlights,” as its first Golden Bachelor. After...
Living in poverty, an Iranian mother believed for nine months she was carrying only one baby. When the time came, she instead had identical triplets, who presented a huge...
Jenny Marr would have been forgiven for thinking there was something wrong with her unborn baby when her doctor had a peculiar look on her face...
Callie Mitchell celebrated her sweet 16 on June 6 and was looking forward to starting her junior year, cheerleading at the same school her mom works as assistant...
People at times are struggling with a lot of adversity in their personal lives but will put on a brave front for the public. Country singer...
The tender moment when a 6-year-old boy said goodnight to his little sister for the last time was caught on camera and is breaking hearts around...
No friend in the world is as faithful and affectionate as a dog. Just ask 25-year-old Byron, who wouldn’t be alive today if it weren’t for...
After he was eliminated from the ABC reality show Claim to Fame, Hugo Wentzel, the grandson of former President Jimmy Carter, shared a health update on both...
Although Pauley Perrette played the role of the quirky, crime-solving forensic scientist Abby Sciuto on NCIS, she might not be that different from her character in real...
Pilots are trained for adverse circumstances and know what they need to do at all times. However, not everyone is expecting such a scary turn of...