In a world where numerous families live in fear due to domestic violence, it is disheartening to witness their struggles. Unfortunately, the harsh reality is that...
Even though she is no longer officially part of the Royal Family, Sarah Ferguson, or ‘Fergie’ (as she is lovingly called by her close ones as well...
Susan Sarandon is perhaps one of the most iconic actresses of her generation. Apart from holding her own on screen, the actress is known for never...
The news of someone’s death is always upsetting to hear. Especially when they leave behind a young family. This mother from Gwinnett County died in such...
One of the greatest achievements one can accomplish in a high school career is to be named valedictorian. To achieve that, though, one has to maintain...
The couple, from Grapevine, Texas, met in a local pub and had tried to have a baby for several months. But when Jenny finally got pregnant,...
The news of a beloved actor’s death is never easy to read about. The news of Oscar-nominated actor Frederic Forrest is also the same. We are sending our condolences...
Most people know Mark Harmon for the role of Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs that he plays on NCIS. He plays a skilled official who is not afraid...
Jennifer Lopez debuted a new hairstyle and people were not afraid to express their opinions. “That wig gets a D-,” one Instagram user wrote. The Marry Me actress...
Further grim details linked to the doomed Titan vessel are emerging, with experts claiming that the materials used to build the submersible “simply didn’t work”. The...