While real-life outlaws Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid were closely bonded, actor Paul Newman revealed that at the time filming, he had some resentments over the young Robert...
Each time a child is born it is, of course, a miracle. It’s a unique event, not least for the happy parents. However, there are some births...
For days the world has been following the story of the OceanGate Titan, the submersible that went missing on Sunday on a journey to view the wreckage...
Martha Stewart is a cover girl! The lifestyle guru made her Sports Illustrated debut on the cover of the famous Swimsuit Issue. The 2023 issue included...
Celine Dion has made the huge decision to move back to her native Canada as she battles the incurable stiff-person syndrome. The legendary singer’s health has been...
On screen they were a devoted married couple, one of the most famous in television history, as Olivia and John Walton in the hit CBS series...
Two years ago, archeologists digging at a vineyard in northern Italy made a massive discovery. Those digging at the site uncovered a near-perfectly preserved mosaic floor...
Suleman Dawood, the youngest passenger on the OceanGate Expeditions’ Titan, reportedly expressed his hesitation about the trip in the days leading up to the expedition to...
We love to see it! The two were caught kissing at the Museum of Contemporary Art Gala in Los Angeles this past Saturday. For a long...
Like all people, Steve has his flaws and secrets, something that became very obvious when he invited his wife to the ”Steve Harvey Show”. There, the...