Sofia Vergara must be sipping from the fountain of youth. The gorgeous Columbian-American, who first captured the hearts of fans in the mid 1990s, doesn’t appear to...
Sooner or later, everyone loses someone close to them – it’s unfortunately, a part of life. However, the passing of specific loved ones can affect us...
Knowing when you will pass away is not information everyone wants to have. Unfortunately, some people do not have a choice in whether they want to...
Donnie Wahlberg got a second chance at love and life. And by the sound of it, he seems to be doing a really good job! He has...
He has graced many television shows and movies with his presence for many decades but now he says he will be retiring! The world will surely...
It’s fair to say Jennifer Lopez has lived her entire adult life in the spotlight. From a young age, the 54-year-old knew she wanted to be...
You could say Lorenzo Lamas was always destined to become an actor. His parents worked in the industry, and it didn’t take long before he entered...
When 1970’s heartthrob Chad Everett and Shelby Grant took their oath of “…for better, for worse…to love and to cherish, till death do us part,” they really meant...
Shelley Smith, a former actress and model renowned for her role in the series ‘The Associates’, has passed away at the age of 70. Michael Maguire,...
Tragedy struck Hawaii last week when wildfires broke out in the island of Maui, causing over 5 billion dollars of damage, displacing 11,000 people, and killing at...