Mother Earth can truly surprise us in many ways – just look at these giant bats or these angry-looking ‘snakes’ spotted lurking in a tree. When Regan Daniels, a resident of...
A farmer in Australia got the shock of his life when he went to collect the daily delivery of eggs from his hens. One of his...
Most of us probably have a pretty lop-sided attitude when it comes to painting a picture of Hollywood and celebrities. I’m the first to admit that I sometimes...
9-year-old Noah was having breakfast with his mom at Denny’s when he saw a police officer sitting on his own at a nearby table. Noah instantly...
When appearing in the first John Wick film with Daisy, the eight-month-old beagle whose onscreen death left fans broken hearted, Keanu Reeves’ face was smothered with bacon grease to lure...
The animal kingdom never fails to surprise us with its many hidden wonders. That said, there are certain creatures that stand out more than others, those capable of...
Becoming a parent means you are responsible for another human being. And as many parents know, unfortunate situations might occur at any time, situations that have...
Given how long humans called the Earth home, it’s a veritable wonder that there are still so many unexplained phenomenons, so many things to learn and...
Troy Luna’s parents told him to never trust unknown adults, but they hoped that their boy would never have to use this advice. They were wrong....
If you are mom (or if you happen to know one) you know that everyday life as a mother is both wonderful, demanding, scary and stressful...