Arj Barker, a stand-up comedian and actor known for his comedy specials and appearances on shows like Flight of the Conchords, found himself at the center of controversy following...
We often forget how vulnerable women can be when they are birthing their children. Even in this day and age, when medical science has made so...
The wonder of childbirth is truly magical, particularly through the eyes of children who are still discovering the mysteries of the world. The story I’m about to share,...
Steve Martin has lashed out at claims made by former Little Shop of Horrors co-star Miriam Margolyes after the 82-year-old actress claimed he hit her during filming for the...
Every so often the internet throws up something that divides people down the middle. Sometimes it can be a batch of controversial news, sometimes a mind-boggling riddle people...
Prince Louis turned six years old on April 24th. The young prince is fourth in the line of succession to the British throne, and even though...
When you’re a superstar with the clout and status of Kevin Costner, it’s small wonder that fans all over the world are keen to know your business....
Kate Middleton is continuing her chemotherapy following the cancer diagnosis she received in February. On March 22, she revealed her health update to the world after...
There’s not been much revealed as to the condition of King Charles as he fights his battle with cancer, with updates from the Palace coming few and far...
Sophia Bush feels like she can finally breathe again. The One Tree Hill alum attributes her feeling to coming out as queer, confirming her new relationship, and denying...