Jennifer Garner is an actress beloved by many. In her personal life, she is just as bubbly and down-to-earth as many characters she has portrayed on...
Lady Gaga is mourning the loss of her “real true friend” and collaborator, Tony Bennett, who died on July 21 at the age of 96. In...
Farrah Fawcett became a massive celebrity following her stint on Charlie’s Angels – her signature hairstyle and “pin-up” status only served to bring her even more fame. At...
Arnold Schwarzenegger is well aware of what it takes to be successful. The Austrian-born actor turned politician paved his own way toward a successful Hollywood career. Now...
Brad Soden has experienced a lot in his life. The former United States soldier not only served in the first Iraq war, but alsosaved many lives...
It’s fair to say Anna Nicole Smith was one of the world’s most famous faces at one point in time. Shooting to fame in the 1990s, Smith posed...
On Monday, Mariska Hargitay and husband Peter Hermann made a rare red carpet appearance with all three of their children. The family attended the 2023 Stuttering...
No matter who you are, a pet dog can be the most important thing in the world. Even the most famous celebrities rely on the unconditional...
Judy Sheindlin, or “Judge Judy”, as you might more commonly know her, has been a television daytime star for almost 25 years. Her show sees millions...
To me, it feels like teenage heartthrob Leif Garrett does not get enough credit as an artist and performer. He deserved so much more! Throughout his...