Don’t judge a book by its cover is a very famous saying, but every now and then, people need a reminder about this. If a parent...
In today’s world it’s fairly common to have things called into question based on their relevance or suitability. I believe it’s a good thing that more...
Disclaimer: Any opinions expressed in the following article belong solely to the author and do not reflect or represent Reool. I am fully aware that taking...
I grew up reading Dr. Seuss books and so did my kids. The whimsical genius behind beloved classics like The Cat in the Hat and Green Eggs and Ham enchanted...
Diversity truly is a beautiful thing. In all corners of the world people have their own traditions and customs, which is what often makes traveling such...
There’s no doubt that Elvis Presley had one of the greatest singing voices of all time. But beyond the music, he was also a remarkable humanitarian....
There’s a striking image of Princess Diana and Michael Jackson that’s always stuck with me. At first glance, it seems like just a moment shared between...
Snoop Dogg is perhaps one of the most popular American rappers and television personalities. The musician has made his name worldwide and is a household name....
Tim McGraw and Faith Hill‘s daughter, Audrey McGraw, recently shared a series of captivating black and white photographs on Instagram, which sparked a conversation among internet users about her...
A Florida man was arrested for displaying an obscene bumper sticker on the back of his truck, one that either expressed his sexual preferences, or his love for a four-legged animal....