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Father defends son, 19, after wife’s creepy friend asks him to strip



A father called out one of his wife’s friends for shamelessly flirting with his teenage son, who was uncomfortable when he was asked to “take his shirt off.”

The protective dad fired back at the friend, saying she’s “too old and ugly,” a comment which later resulted in an argument with his wife.

Refusing to back down, the man insists the friend apologize for her inappropriate behavior or she will never be invited to the family home again. Keep reading to learn more about this awkward get together!

Looking for advice from the online population, a father shared his story on the ‘Am I the A**hole’ subreddit, detailing an unfortunate situation with one of his wife’s friends.  

The man explains that the family had a small get together and Kathy, his wife’s unmarried friend, was also in attendance.

“We aren’t too close to her since she lives pretty far away,” the original poster (OP) writes of the woman, who’s in her late 40s. “She was over [at] our house, and she started complimenting my son.”

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While there is nothing wrong with complimenting a friend’s child, the author explains that Kathy – who apparently had some liquid courage – took it too far with his 19-year-old son.

“It starts off innocent but as time goes on it gets more and more crossing the line. When we were out on my deck, she starts telling my son to take his shirt off, ‘what’s the point of going to the gym if no one will see it.’”

Take it off

Despite causing the young man obvious discomfort, Kathy’s flirting, which was far from flattering, only got worse.

“My son is visibly uncomfortable and tries to shut her down. She repeatedly is asking and is getting more aggressive with it.”

Intervening, the OP reveals he then shot her down: “I interject, and I am like ‘Hey Kathy, I think you are a bit too old and ugly for my son.’”

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Though his delivery needed some work, the father’s message was received.

“This got her upset really quickly, and she excuses herself to the bathroom and starts crying. My wife goes to comfort her, and then later she leaves,” the OP pens.

After effect

The author then says he received a verbal lashing from his wife, who suggests the man should have been gentler.

“At the end of it my wife is super angry with me for saying that, that I should have said ‘hey Kathy, looks like you had too much to drink’ or something else. I told my wife, that Kathy works a corporate job she has had training on this and that she knows better.”

Further defending his response to the friend, the man then explains his son was only trying to help his son.

“I told my wife flat out that if I was to invite a guy friend and he was to ask to see our daughter in a bikini my wife would have called the police. She says it’s different.” He continues, “I tell her that I was way kinder to Kathy than I would have been had a guy said something like that to our daughter. And I told my wife that Kathy needs to apologize to my son before she can ever come into our house again.”

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Before asking Redditors, “AITA for telling my wife’s friend she is too old and ugly?” he shares his position on the matter. “Overall, I think I was fair. If Kathy just said it once and I said that I think I would be the asshole, but the fact she kept repeating it that’s why I said it.”

He adds, “I wanted her to get the message that yes I am upset, that’s why I included the ugly part.”

‘Didn’t deserve his respect’

Redditors offered their thoughts on the situation, the majority suggesting he did what he had to do to protect his son.

“Double standard no more. I wouldn’t let her around my boy anymore. I would be livid if a husband’s friend was telling my daughter the same type of things,” writes one netizen.

Referencing the dad’s quick response, a second shares, “It was a spur of the moment response to get his kid out of harm’s way, and it worked! I doubt anyone would have the clarity of mind to think all of this through in a short amount of time.”

A third writes, “She didn’t deserve his respect nor time of day…If you aren’t harsh, they don’t get the message.”

Meanwhile, other cyber fans say his selection of words implied something different.

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“Her behavior isn’t being described as perverted, but instead as simply out-of-her-league. It’s explicitly saying that if she were younger and hotter, it would be fine,” observes one user.

Another adds, “In the heat of the moment I would address the issue at hand, not blurt out irrelevant insults.”

Replying to the Redditors who asked why he needed to defend his young adult son, the OP clarifies, “If she was 19 years old, my son can handle it on his own. The reason why I intervened was because she is much older than my son [and] is seen as an authority figure, and is close friends with his mother, and in a situation in front of the family. That is why I intervened.”

What do you think of the way this father stood up for his son? Please share your thoughts with us and then share this story so we can hear what others have to say!

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