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Husband wants to name their first born – when his wife learns what the name means, she puts her foot down



Becoming a parent for the first time is an exciting time in many people’s lives. One of the things parents are usually excited about is the prospect of naming their progeny. This young couple was excited about exactly that when the reality dawned on the wife…

She found out who her husband wanted to name their baby girl after, and it changed her entire perspective of him. Keep reading to learn more…

A 23-year-old woman wrote about the predicament she was in. Her 24-year-old husband and her have been together for three years. They had dated for a year before getting married. A little over a year after their marriage, she became pregnant.

When the couple found out they were having a baby girl, the husband suggested a name he thought they should use: the name of his ex-girlfriend. The wife knew of this relationship and felt uncomfortable by the prospect of naming their baby girl after an ex-love of his.

When she inquired as to what made him desire to name his daughter after his ex, he said while the relationship had ended, he still wanted a reminder of his past relationship. And while he closed that chapter, he still wanted a way to honor it.


He proposed that he be allowed to name their firstborn after his ex, and his wife could name their second child. The wife also included the detail that this was a significant relationship for her husband, and his ex was someone he had dated for a long time.

His wife, is of course, not on board with his decision and feels uncomfortable about it. The husband has been telling her it is her pregnancy hormones that are making her unreasonable.

She also mentioned that this ex had caused a lot of problems between them in the past but then she had moved away which led to her putting him out of his mind.


Now she has turned to the Reddit community to ask whether it is indeed her pregnancy hormones or whether she has a right to feel uncomfortable with this ask.

And, of course, a majority of the Reddit community banded together and fully agreed with the wife and told her not to disregard her feelings. They pointed out that this was a lack of respect her husband had for her. And to even suggest this name was wrong on his part.

Other people said his blaming her hormones was uncalled for because even for someone who was not ‘pregnant’ and ‘hormonal,’ this seemed incredibly insensitive. Some questioned whether he was still in love with his ex.

A lot of netizens helped validate what the wife was feeling. All in all, this is a complicated situation to be in. What do you think of this? Let us know in the comments!

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