Man puts in precise cake order and the photo of what he gets back is absolutely hilarious
Costco has been a partner of most households, especially when we want a quick and easy way of getting our hands with our food staples.
However, this customer did not realize how his cake would turn out.
On April 2, a Reddit post showing a series of photos went viral.
The post contains images of a cake order by Stephen Walker (also known as u/FlipDemStocks), and the way it turned out is just hilarious!
Did they get it wrong, or were his instructions unclear?
“Costco will give you exactly what you know you didn’t need,” Walker wrote in the caption.
Stephen tried to give as much detail as possible about his wants.

In the first image of his post, the order form shows an “X” mark on a half-sheet and white cake.
It was also stated that it should be cleared of any writing or design with a remark at the bottom that says, “Please see back.”
He was TOO clear about his request.
He even took his time to write additional details on the back of the form.

Stephen wrote: “No writing/No design” and “Only Request Red frosting on perimeter for top/bottom” together with an image of how he thought his cake would be.
But the cake decorator took it literally!
The Costco employee followed Walker’s drawing on the form and placed it on the cake.

Even the red and black lines were copied exactly as they were on the sketch.
However, that is not how he wanted it to be.
Good thing Stephen knows how to make a good laugh about it.
Walker bought the cake for his daughter’s 3rd birthday but was stunned upon receiving his order.

He even shared his thoughts with the cashier, who offered help to address his concerns by the bakery, but Stephen refused due to time constraints.
All is well!
Despite the unforeseen cake failure, the software engineer and his wife could pull off the party.
Aside from that, he even thought of making the cake story as an April Fool’s tradition.

Walker said he plans to have the picture he took be on top of a cake next year.
“That’ll just be the cake topper, and I’ll just take a picture every year. So it’s like, a picture of a picture of a picture, like ‘Inception.’”
The cake adventure has garnered various reactions.
“That’s the TLDR result.” wrote Reddit user marzipan07.
“I think they read it and were just as confused. Notice both drawings have black bars for the height of the rectangular prism.” shared another one.

Costco had a lot of controversies in the past, but this one is too funny to pass.
The giant company remained silent regarding the issue, but the people on the internet knew how to lighten the situation.

Have you also encountered an order that completely went wrong?
Click the video below to learn more about the hilarious mishap.
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