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Old house from 1887 is about to fall in on itself – then one man steps in to save it



There’s something about the restoration old houses that all of us can appreciate. Of course, bringing an ancient abode back to life – while retaining its aesthetic beauty and style – is no easy task, and usually requires large sums of money or, at the very, someone who knows what they’re doing.

Put simply, it’s easy to get wrong, which is why when it’s done right it’s extremely satisfying to bear witness to.

Yet of all the home renovation/restoration projects I’ve seen online, there’s one that stands out as being arguably more expertly done as any out there. It involves a large house originally constructed in 1887 that had been abandoned to rot and decay… until one man stepped in to save it.

As per reports, the mansion in question, located in York, Pennsylvania, looked for all the world like it was on the verge of collapse. Owner-less for many years, time had exacted a cruel toll on what must have been a truly exquisite home in its heyday.

Numerous prospective families had considered it during its lifeless years, but the majority of them likely considered it simply too big a project to take on.

Then, one day, a man happened to see the potential where others saw only the ruins of a structure ready to be reduced to rubble. By all accounts, the man who purchased the property poured a great deal of time and money to restore the home to its former glory, managing to preserve its architectural integrity and bringing it up to modern standards without taking away any of its charm.

Let’s take a look inside…


As you can see in the picture above, the house was in no fit state to be lived in. On the contrary, most individuals would look at it and think there was no possible way to turn it into a livable building.

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, or so they say.

The eventual new homeowner of the house had a monumental task on his hands, but he more than rose to the occasion.


I don’t know about you, but the inside looks like the stunning set of a high-budget period drama!


The floors reportedly consist of five different types of wood, with stained glass panel windows to give a rainbow effect as the sun shines through.


The house boasts five bedrooms on the second floor, each uniquely decorated to reflect a distinct taste and style.

Needless to say, the rest of the house benefits from the same eye-catching attention to detail.


If this isn’t a reminder that broken things need not always be broken, I don’t know what is!

What do you think? Did you like the renovations performed on this home? Let us know in the comments.

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