In a recent airline journey, a culinary clash unfolded mid-air, drawing attention to the dynamics of dining preferences in confined spaces. The scenario prompted inevitable complaints...
It was an ordinary afternoon back home from school when Owen Burns heard his sister screaming. He was annoyed at the intrusion her screaming brought, thinking...
Being a perfect mom, loving wife and managing to run a functioning home whilst simultaneously contributing to society is no easy feat. Add that to being...
Kathleen Turner rose to fame in the 1980s with her strength and attractiveness – many consider her one of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood. It is this...
There is no denying how important a wedding day is for a bride. The concept of ‘Bridezilla’ merely comes from women who are very excited about...
In a timeless tale of romance, Naval Officer Zack Mayo swept factory worker Paula into his arms and carried her from her workplace, leaving fans everywhere...
Sometimes, when we go to thrift stores, we can discover hidden treasures. But sometimes, the same ‘treasures’ can baffle us to no end. This is a...
When a man and a teenage girl boarded a flight from Seattle to San Francisco, Alaska Airline flight attendant Shelia Frederick was suspicious. The man was smartly...
As a parent, you want to do everything for your child and more. There is no task too great, no cause too worthless, no mountain too large. Why?...
Harry and Meghan left the royal family about four years ago. At the time, many probably thought they would slowly disappear from the newspaper’s front pages...