After he was eliminated from the ABC reality show Claim to Fame, Hugo Wentzel, the grandson of former President Jimmy Carter, shared a health update on both...
Sandra Bullock is in mourning. The actress lost her long-time partner, Bryan Randall, to his long fight with ALS. While the actress kept her relationship private,...
It is a sad world we live in where 9-year-old little girls who want to buy some ice cream are gunned down in senseless acts of...
It’s estimated that between 60 000 and 100 000 people in the US die each year due to blood clots. But despite how common it is,...
The death of actor Austin Majors was a shock to everyone, considering that he was only 27 years old. The actor passed away on February 11th,...
He’s interviewed the Pope, various presidents, COVID-19 specialists, and given millions of Americans the news. David Muir has become a household name through his work as...
We all do silly things as kids. After all, part of growing up is learning when to say no to something that sounds dangerous. Unfortunately, children are susceptive...
It’s easy to believe that heroes don’t exist, that they belong only in comic book strips and Marvel films. The truth is, they’re present in all walks of...
All of us are born uniquely special and irrefutably beautiful in our own way. One of the most breathtakingly fabulous things about being human is that...
Olivia Newton-John happens to be one of the most well-loved actress and singer of her generation. When she passed away last year, millions of people around...