The first body part you wash in the shower can say a lot about your personality
If you’ve ever done yoga, you’ve definitely heard the instructor describing your body as a sacred temple. Perhaps there’s something to that idea.
After all, this “temple” holds the emotions and energies that drive us towards doing the things we want in life.
Certain ancient cultures even go as far as claiming that the part of your body you wash first can reveal a lot about your personality.
It’s believed that you may, unknowingly, perceive this area as the most sacred part of your body.
Browse through the list below and find out what your washing habits are telling you!
The feet
The foot is thought to be a symbol of humility.
People who wash their feet first in the shower are associated with being down to earth in the main, and appreciate what they have in life.
The Hands
Hands have always been a symbol of strength, unity and solidarity.
People who wash their hands first when they get in the shower don’t permit fear to affect their lives.
They’re usually idealistic and will stand up for what is right.
The face is the area of the body that allows us to see, hear, smell and taste.
People who wash their face first are often concerned with how they look to others.
Such people can get easily stressed and be shy.
Shoulders and neck
People who wash their shoulders or neck first are usually competitive types; they work hard for what they want.
Such people rarely like to be told no, and will strive to achieve their dreams and goals in life.
The chest is a sensitive area for all mammals, and as such many strive to protect the region at all costs.
It’s believed that if you wash your chest first in the shower, you are the type to feel comfortable and confident within yourself and your body.
Your self-esteem is something that many admire; this will take you on the right path in life.
People who attend to their armpits first in the shower are usually those you can rely on.
They are friendly and will always look to try and help a friend – be sure to return the kindness!
Private area
People who wash their “downstairs area” first tend to be the quiet, shy types.
They’re extremely difficult to get close to and usually don’t like making a big scene in public.
Their sensitive nature can be bothersome to them, but in reality they’re amongst the realest people there are out there.
The head is an area often associated with strength and order.
People who enter the shower and immediately start washing the top of their head are practical and realistic.
They do not like to waste time, which is why they often tend to be careful with routines.
Arms or legs
Arms and legs help us as we move around different places in the world – many see these parts of the body as a means to an end.
People who wash their legs or arms first can be nonchalant.
They can spend a good deal of their time daydreaming. They like to plan holidays and might be inclined to identify themselves as “nomads”.
The back
Like the chest, the back is another place we consider to be extremely vulnerable in our subconscious mind.
As a result, people who wash their back first are careful and reserved as a general rule. They can be introverted and enjoy loneliness.
So, what body part do you wash first in the shower?
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