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Woman announces her own death with a heartbreaking message for her fiance – everyone has tears in their eyes



Finding a farewell letter from someone you love is incredibly tough. This young couple had to say good bye to one another too soon. But she had a message for him that is incredibly heartfelt…

Keep reading to know more about their story…

A 25-year-old young woman touched thousands of hearts with her last heartbreaking actions. She posted on social media, announcing her own death. Daniella Thackray, knew she did not have much time, as she was battling cancer.

Her heartbreaking Facebook post read, “If you’re reading this then it means I have died from my battle with cancer and my family are posting my final message on my behalf,” she wrote in a message her family shared to her Facebook and LinkedIn pages. The posts were accompanied with a picture, of a young woman walking with a dog on the beach.

She wanted people to know something about the illness she was battling, “not all cancers are caused by lifestyle choices.” Sometimes it’s genetics and sometimes, as she noted, “it just happens.”


“In my case, despite me being very healthy and active, a cancer started in my bile ducts which was not caused by anything in my control and my life was never the same again,” she wrote.

“Cholangiocarinoma is a rare aggressive cancer with often no obvious causes and no cure,” she went on in her post. “I really really do hope that in the years to come more research is done about this horrid cruel disease so that more lives can be saved.”

According to resources on the internet, even if discovered very early on, the five-year-relative survival rate of someone who has this type of cancer is only 17%. The reason for this can be several; but the main ones being that the cancer is deep inside the body and hence hard to detect. And then, the tumors can grow through the bile duct’s wall to nearby blood vessels and organs, according to data available online.


She wanted to then shift the focus of the post to taking control of her own narrative. She wrote in the post, “Although we can’t control what happens to us, we can control how we react.” She added, “I chose not to mourn the life I was losing despite being so devastated, but to instead enjoy every moment I had left.”

“As I have always said and believed you should enjoy the little things in life and cherish every moment!” she shared. “Romanticise your life! Do whatever makes you happy and don’t let anyone take the joy of life away from you x”

The Newcastle University alum, who lived in Leeds, England and worked at the 26 Agency marketing firm, according to People Magazine, wrote (with emphasis), “I LOVED my life.”


“Everything I had achieved was what I wanted,” she added. “I loved my job, my fiancé, my family, my friends and my dog, and the house we were going to buy and the future we were making for ourselves. Leo my fur baby was definitely brought into my life to help brighten my darkest days.”

At the end of her message, she wrote down a message of thanks to everyone who made her life “magical.” She quoted Winnie-the-Pooh: “If ever there is a tomorrow when we’re not together, there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart… I’ll always be with you.”

The last words in her post were dedicated to her fiancé, she wrote to him, “my dear, beautiful Tom [Calvert].” She went on, “I love you and always will. Thank you for supporting me and bringing so much love and happiness into my life. Go enjoy your life now, you deserve it.”


After her post went viral on LinkedIn, her fiancé Calvert responded to her, according to The Daily Mail. “My beautiful brave fiance [sic], you continue to inspire so many others like you inspired me each day to keep going,” he wrote. “Your courage, determination and kindness was infectious and you deserved the world.”

“Unfortunately the world let you down, and your future was taken away from you in such a cruel manner,” he went on in his comment. “But you lived such an incredible life and you were so so loved.”

He then wanted to address everyone reading the post, writing, “I’m glad that Daniella’s words resonate with so many others. If she could see the traction her message is getting she would be so proud.”


“She was the most ambitious, intelligent and professional person I have ever met,” he went on, talking about how much she had loved her job and how valued she felt at the company. He ended his message with, “I miss you Daniella and I’m so incredibly proud of you now and forever.”

Her post on both platforms went viral and had people feeling very emotional. On her Facebook post, she had nearly 300 comments and more than 2,500 reactions, which included personal reactions from people who knew her, as well strangers who were touched by her words.

On LinkedIn the post had 52,000 reactions and more than 3,500 comments. Many people commented on how they did not know Daniella, they were touched by her message.

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